Real Stories from Real Parents

Rebekah's Story


Sometimes in life, you get what you wish for – and more. Rebekah and her husband were in the process of adopting their first child, when Rebekah found out she was pregnant. Six months after adopting their son Landry, Eva was born. A year later, little brother Hudson joined the crew.

Because she adopted her first child, Rebekah says she planned on using formula right from the start. What she didn’t plan on were the stomach issues Landry suffered during his infancy. On recommendation from her pediatrician – and because she was concerned about the quality of her tap water – Rebekah began mixing formula with Nursery® water. “With all the stomach issues Landry was having, I didn’t want to add any more impurities to his little belly,” recalls Rebekah.

After doing some research, Rebekah remembers going to the store and finding Nursery water in the baby aisle. “When I saw the label, it was appealing and just felt right,” says Rebekah. Landry’s stomach issues finally vanished at about three months.

Three months later, Eva was born and Rebekah breast-fed for several weeks. However, Rebekah says her daughter suffered from terrible colic. And, Rebekah was concerned about her milk supply. Once again, Rebekah turned to her pediatrician who recommended pumping and supplementing with formula, which Rebekah mixed with Nursery water.

Soon after, Eva began to thrive.

“I remember the sleepless nights and just worrying whether they were getting what they needed,” says Rebekah. “With formula, I could see what they were getting and when Nursery was introduced, their stomachs calmed down and things just smoothed out.”

Rebekah says knowing Nursery water is purified and portable gave her peace of mind, and it became easy to always have clean, fresh water on hand, even when traveling.

Rebekah jokes that since she had two newborns at the same time – and shortly after added a third – her friends look to her as “all things Mom.” And, she says because she had such a positive experience with Nursery water, she now recommends the baby water to other Moms for mixing with formula, rice cereal and for use in sippy cups when babies are old enough for plain water.

*Participants were compensated, but opinions are their own.

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