Real Stories from Real Parents

Kelley’s Story


First-time mom Kelley Furst has fond memories of her pregnancy and delivery.

“It was textbook perfect,” said Kelley. “My water broke at 2 a.m. and by 5:42 a.m., Gabrielle was here.”

The postpartum period was pretty rosy as well. Gabrielle was a good breast-feeder and began sleeping through the night at eight weeks. The first little bump came when Kelley went back to work full time when Gabrielle was three months old.

“My plan was to exclusively breast-feed for one year, but as soon as I went back to work, my milk supply decreased,” Kelley recalled. By five months, Kelley’s supply had diminished enough that she had to pump and supplement with formula.

“When I knew I had to mix formula, I didn’t want to use tap water because I wasn’t sure about the quality,” Kelley said. After doing some research, Kelley decided to try Nursery® water and has been pleased. “I’ve seen other store brands, but I haven’t bought them.”

In addition to mixing formula, Kelley uses Nursery water to mix Gabrielle’s rice cereal and oatmeal.

Because Kelley is teaching Gabrielle how to use a cup and to reach for water to quench her thirst, she fills a sippy cup with a little Nursery water. “My husband and I are big water drinkers. We drink a lot of bottled water. We want Gabrielle to learn to drink water when she’s thirsty.”

Kelley is one of the first in her circle of friends to have a baby. For her friends who are pregnant and planning to formula-feed right from the start, she encourages them to consider Nursery water. “It’s easy to use and I feel confident about the brand. It’s one less thing to worry about,” Kelley said.

The ease of using Nursery water gives Kelley more time to play with her adorable, very active daughter who loves to cuddle and sample new foods.

And did we mention that Gabrielle has been sleeping through the night since she was eight weeks old?! Talk about the perfect child!

*Participants were compensated, but opinions are their own.

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