Real Stories from Real Parents

Alexandria's Story


Meet nine-month-old Jarius – affectionately known as Junior. This adorable little guy is the newest addition to the family from Mississippi.

Jarius’s mom, Alexandria, has been a loyal Nursery® water customer since the birth of her first child seven years ago.

Alexandria says she tried to breast-feed her firstborn but became sore and was concerned she didn’t have enough milk.

To ease her mind, she decided to formula-feed her baby. Alexandria knew it was important to mix formula with clean, pure water and wanted only the best for her newborn.

As a young mom, Alexandria says she knew little about which water to use. It was the picture of a healthy baby on the jug of Nursery water that caught Alexandria’s eye. After she read the label, she decided to try the brand. She was so happy with the quality that she never questioned her choice.

With each new infant, breast-feeding became easier, but when it came time to wean, Alexandria continued her tradition of mixing formula with Nursery water.

Alexandria is currently using Nursery to mix Jarius’ formula and baby cereal, and she offers the water to him straight from the jug in a cup.

Jarius has three older sisters – ages one, four and seven.

Alexandria says her older daughters love taking care of their little brother, who is always on the go – cruising around furniture, saying “mama” and “dada” and, when music plays, dancing for his audience. We hope Jarius and his sisters always stay this happy!

*Participants were compensated, but opinions are their own.

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